
Welcome to my "Spontaneous Metaphor Booth!" 

3 Simple employee engagement strategies for executive leaders.


Executive leaders, your engagement is crazy important.  Your team engagement will effect your overall success! 

Engagement is the most valuable measure of employee productivity and loyalty. Ensuring that your employees have creative, playful, healthy connected opportunities for their work will help them serve others without getting burned out.  Focusing on their engagement will revolutionize your experience as a leader as you all become more engaged, purposeful, and healthy and achieve catalytic results.   And when your employees are engaged you have less turnover and recruitment expenses, less conflict management and way more creative solutions. 

So, if you are looking for ways to keep your employees ignited, even during change, uncertainty or even chaos, these strategies are for you. 

Here are three simple strategies for getting 100% employee engagement

Number 1.    Be Vulnerable  Share your current reality.  Even if it...

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Burnout to Connection for Full Engagement


Are you burned out or disengaged?

Or maybe your feeling disconnected?

Let’s talk about how to shift from the experience of being burned out in relationships, at home, or at work. 

Today, I want to explore the component of disconnection/depersonalization and help you shift to the ENGAGED experience of being connected, involved, seen and heard with a sense of belonging. Burnout is characterized by exhaustion, depersonalization, cynicism and the feeling of not be accomplished.

Depersonalization happens when we protect ourselves from the painful things that we witness in our service(s), such as lack of outcomes, recurrent difficult situations, and conflict. This is common in public service professions where we exhibit a large amount of empathy and over time, find ways to disconnect so we don’t feel the pain of others. We also do this in order to not feel as deeply in order to cope and continue to do our work. 

Depersonalization begins as protection but...

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