
Welcome to my "Spontaneous Metaphor Booth!" 

Feeling Burnout Vs. Renewed Energy- What do you Feel?

You feel very different things when you experience burnout versus renewed energy. Become in tune with how each makes you feel so you can begin to evoke the story you want for your life.


Burnout energy is that draining feeling you have when something exhausts you. Do you feel pressure in your head or tightness in your stomach? 


What are some things that drain your energy? Is it being stuck in traffic? Or maybe it is being late for an important meeting?  Maybe for you it is anticipated conflict?  


What are somethings that renew your energy? Massage, sleep, play with friends?  


Take some time and write out what burnout and renewing your energy feels like for you. 


How do you renew your energy? 


My number one way to renew is solo time with silence. Mine may be different from yours.  Writing down what you feel helps you to realize more quickly that you are living in your energy or living in burnout...

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