“In the depth of winter I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer”
– Albert Camus
"Working with Kristen over this past year has been a Godsend. She helped me breakout of a burnout cycle I was in and provided me skills to advance my professional development skills. She has helped me visualize solutions I could not come up on my own. "
"Working with Kristen has already changed my life. Within just 3 sessions, I have made several important changes in my career, and I am excited to start moving toward visions about what I could do in the world that have until now, been too scary to contemplate on my own. Kristen’s ability to ask poignant questions, and keep directing me to where my passion and energy lie, is a very inspiring process, and already producing concrete results!"
"Kristen was very patient and willing to work to find an approach that worked for me – whether in planned activities or freeform conversation. When offering me different strategies or activities she was great about following up on my progress and holding me accountable. She did this in a way that did not feel overbearing, I was able to work at my pace. When I had difficulty clearly expressing my thoughts, Kristen patiently approached the topic from different angles allowing me the opportunity to answer without putting words in my mouth. Most importantly I didn’t feel judged. She was very respectful of my needs and offered unbiased perspective without judgment. Thanks Kristen!"
"My experience was very rewarding. Not only do I feel I learned leadership skills, I also learned about myself which really helped me focus on my goals. I felt gently pushed out of my comfort zone but always felt I had a safety net and could let go of thinking I was not good enough. "
"Kristen is a very genuine and authentic leader that any organization would be blessed to have. She has a presence about her that brings the most diverse groups together to allow them to create their best work. Working with her is simply magical."
"Kristen’s style is very unassuming and even providers who don’t normally value or agree to participate in reviewing patient experience information, welcomed her feedback. I feel her engagement with providers and associates is valuable and focusing on the patient experience requires dedication. As an admin, I felt supported by Kristen and SAN to focus on the patient experience, providers and associates. Prior to her engagement with our team, the patient experience was something we review, talk about, generate ideas on how to improve, but nothing really took off as there are so many other competing priorities. "
"Kristen taught me to be clear, kind, and direct, to start from “yes.” She has a way of putting things into perspective and allowing you to see them from a different angle. When she worked with me as a new leader she really showed how to get meaningful information from people and how to get to the root of their issue or their fear so we could help them. I feel confident in my ability to connect with individuals and really find out what they need, what they are experiencing and how I can help. I am able to help people understand their “why” and work toward being the best version of themselves that they can be. "
"I am writing a short post about the awesome experience of learning about myself and my own goals I had through working with Kristen. Furthermore, I learned to understand myself and my actions through the lens of someone else’s eyes. I had worked with Kristen in a hospital setting where she was the patient experience officer and she was immensely helpful in growing those receptive professionally to see things from the patient’s perspective. She would present findings and ideas to individuals in a way that they would likely be most receptive too rather than a one size fits all approach. She would help folks find their path rather than put them on it and make them march. The patients enjoyed interacting with her and would open up quickly providing us with real feedback we could work with. It is because of the skills she demonstrated that I asked for her help outside of hospital walls. This spring I went with her for one on one in a PULP coaching session. I was sorting out my professional life and needed guidance and help viewing my goals and feelings more objectively. Further, I needed to understand how best to approach the goals once I got them sorted out. We went for a hike in Lory State Park. With all of the natural wonders, conversation, and thinking what stuck out to me the most that day (and in my mind is still) was a tree. A tree with no leaves but in full bloom. I am not sure of the kind of tree but it had wonderful large white flowers and not a single green leaf. As it was early spring when we went for our hike I found this for the first time amazing. I spend lots of time in the woods, along rivers, and just out in nature, I have seen this many times before but never appreciated it. This tree had the guts, the confidence, the grit to put its best part out first. No assurance of reward. This tree contrary to what every other tree around it was doing did not worry about making the life sustaining energy that leaves provide. The tree went against convention and said (in my minds eye) I am going to put the best of myself out there and this will work out. I will succeed and grow. This is the benefit of PULP coaching. I hike all the time, but I would not have seen the tree in that way without Kristen. The tree that day provided an insight in my opinion one divinely sent. I started changes to my wiring that continue to this day to improve my interactions with others. My goals for the short term are now clearly defined, and long term goals are the fuzzy general direction I like my long term goals to be. I find to clearly defined long term goals cause you to miss out on blessings and guidance because you overlook opportunities. I delayed a little in writing this because I wanted to make sure how I grew that day was not temporary just the result of a feeling. It was not I did grow, and continue to grow from the seed planted (pun intended). I was able to shed some preconceived ideas I had long held about myself thus changing my confidence and also influencing my understanding and appreciation of others and their current emotional state. I cannot recommend her enough, thank you Kristen. "
"My feet were heavy in the mud; with every dragging step I attempted, clumping more and more onto the soles of my boots. Weighed down so much in that field of mess, I had no way of trying to clear the bottom of my feet. The only thing I knew how to do was to keep moving—whichever way possible. It didn’t matter where I ended up, as long as I didn’t have to acknowledge that I was stuck. Eventually this move led me to a wall, familiar looking enough that I thought I could climb it on my own, but also knowing that I haven’t tried it before and didn’t really want to. But denial is a thing that’ll keep a person moving, and that fact I wanted to get my feet clear of the mud was enough to get me to grip onto the first few holds on the wall. Now my vision was even narrower; before I had my eyes set on getting to the wall, especially to get rid of the mud and the heavy feeling, but now I’ve gotten there, I had no idea what else to do. Desperately clinging on, I tried to remember how I’ve gotten over similar problems, similar feelings of being stuck before. I guess that was the step I needed to take. To acknowledge that I am stuck. I don’t know if I really have understood that before. I think there always was a handhold or two that led me to a higher ground, and never needed to think this hard. Now I understood that, I needed to change my frame of mind, and celebrate. Celebrate the incoming of new me, open-ness to something new and all the potential in the world I want, and let go of the clinging old self to the familiar grounds. To be conscientious of this process itself was worthy of celebrating! I don’t necessary know where I am going with this process. I may never know, and that is okay. I am okay with learning how to enjoy the journey of life all over. If that desperate feeling comes again, I will ask myself: “What is going on? What are my needs and wants out of this?” And know that I don’t have to have the answer right away. It is as important to ask these questions than to come up with the answers themselves. Kristen was a big part of this realization for me. When I first called her, feeling of panic was impending on me, and really made me haste in my actions and thinking. First thing we worked on was to let go of the immediate problems and needs that I was seeking answers to, and look at where I was. From there, we worked on many perspectives, and forget about the “problem” that was panicking me in the first place. That wasn’t an easy process, all I wanted to do was to “figure it out,” but to take in the larger picture and my whole being was necessary, and something clicked. Maybe it was recognizing the support system that I do have, or turning my life crisis into an opportunity, or just the plain fact of acknowledging that I was stuck, opened my eyes wide. Kristen knows how to listen, offer questions that will broaden your perspective, come up with visions to make you realize the things you need to see, and has a wealth of exercises that will fit into your journey of life. This does not mean that she will do the work for you: Life Coach is a person who will help you understand where you are at, and what you need to do for yourself, and Kristen Truman fit that bill just right for me."
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