
Welcome to my "Spontaneous Metaphor Booth!" 

My Why On Integration vs Work Life Balance

I can recall exactly when my perspective of work-life balance deepened.  When I worked with my first coach in graduate school, all the things I had to tend to were spinning, or juggling. Insert a metaphor that represented feeling out of sorts with something to balance or sort out and you'll understand how I felt. 

In one of my sessions with my coach we drew a picture of a tree and connected all of the “tasks” and relationships as branches. All of the pieces were all a part of the tree, not something separate to be coordinated. This made me think. This isn’t actually about balance for me, it is about wholeness.  

Over time, I worked with and coached others who were working on balancing work and life. Later when I was considering working on a Ph.D., I listened to what others were saying about their experience and what they were choosing to sacrifice in order to have their degrees.  I realized that balance wasn't working and actually not...

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