
Welcome to my "Spontaneous Metaphor Booth!" 

How To Lead From Abundance



Times of uncertainty are the perfect times to surrender to panic, greed, and a false assumption of scarcity.

How do we operate with abundance and love?

Watch this video to find out how you can lead from abundance and not scarcity.

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3 Tips for Effective Leadership During Times of Fear



It's getting a bit crazy out there. How you show up during times of crisis is pivotal, and determines what results we get.

Are we leading from fear or leading from love?

Check out this video and find out how we all can be more effective and productive leaders during times of fear.

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3 Differences Between Leadership and Management



Today, we're unpacking the difference between leaders and managers, and why we need them both. Watch this video to learn more!

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What’s Your story? How do you Evoke Your Story?

When you design your story and engage in every part of your life, you start speaking from the core of who you are with purpose. Work gets easier, it's clear, it's fun, and you're in a more effective leader. 

In order to evoke and design your desired leadership story, you need to know what your values are. I’ve lined up a few questions that will help you to better understand your values:  

What gets you fired up and passionate?


What needs are non-negotiable to be your very best self?


What moves you? 


Who or what inspires you? 


What stories do you tell about that?


What is your center? There must be something special inside. Look closer, what do you see? 

What are you uniquely put into the world for? 


What makes you so fierce that you can't help but protect this thing in the world? What is your unique thing?


In order to express your story, and then work to protect it. In order to fully engage in...

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Improve your Leadership effectiveness and Prevent Burnout


In addition to decreased energy and feeling disconnected or cynical, burnout is also characterized by feelings of low accomplishment. Not feeling accomplished is a real and felt experience EVEN when we are effective. 

The push to do better, achieve more, to be good enough or to get acknowledged creates more pressure and more work. It becomes a coping to fill a void or to continue to try to validate our worth. This feeling perpetuates a feeling of low energy, and not feeling connected when we hold back in our relationships or we work harder, which is exhausting.

Our belief in our ability to succeed is influenced by past results, feeling relevant, being recognized by others for our contributions, and encouragement and championship specifically from people we can relate to, who inspire us or who’s opinion matters.

When we are feeling effective, (productive, constantly learning, accomplished, successful…whatever word you would use for that feeling) we are...

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