Backpacking Coaching Retreat

A few nights of retreat into the woods, carrying everything you need, right there in your back pack is a gift. It is a gift of power and authenticity as you push yourself and learn about your own personal strength. We invite you to give yourself this gift!

A wilderness coaching retreat might be right for YOU if you;
• Are in a place of transition.
• Are hoping to rediscover passion in your work or looking for different meaningful work.
• Are hungry for time to reconnect to you.
• Are looking for a way to push yourself into something new.

The Experience
A backpacking wilderness retreat is a multiple overnight “all inclusive” empowerment experience. It is a chance to be awake for the moments. It is a chance to be who you are, without societal expectations to perform or be in a particular role. No labels, no titles. Just boots, sunscreen, a backpack full of food and the tools you need for your own discovery.
A coaching retreat is a physical strength building and sensory experience with you, the woods, the earth and other women who are craving similar work. We carry our supplies on our backs. Heavy and with purpose knowing everything we need to sustain ourselves while we’re out there is simple, accessible and more than enough. And then we take these principles into our conversations and reflect on those things as part of our larger lives.
We begin by gathering together and getting organized with our personal and group gear. We make sure you have what you need to be safe. After food, water and sunscreen, we head out on our expedition prepared to discover and learn. Prior to your retreat, you set your intentions and based on your goals, your instructors prepare activities, lessons, and physical experiences designed to challenge and enrich. Expect to hike. Expect to carry more than you know you can, sleep with the stars and learn from the collective energy and wisdom of women.

The Result
You will become a stronger, more aware and more authentic leader. In the wilderness we find ourselves profoundly insignificant, leave our egos at the trailhead and discover. We learn what is deeply meaningful to ourselves, we acknowledge our uniqueness and realize we aren’t at all that unique. We learn to use equipment that is unusual, we learn to live simply and we listen. We listen to the silence, we listen to our hearts, we tune in to the whispers in the wind that only we individually can hear. We receive our own personal messages from the alpine lakes, the tiny flowers, the animals, and the discomfort in our bodies, the bugs and the unpredictable elements. We listen and find new parallels and perspectives that help us design anew. A new story. A new experience. A new life. A new strength.


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