Want Engaged Employees? Listen to them!

engaged employees listen Nov 07, 2019

As 24/7 leaders, you have incredible responsibility for upholding the safety and function of not only your staff but the people you are serving.  That can be exhausting and frustrating if you're having trouble inspiring the right work and relationships in the teams.

If you sense that morale is low, or you see a shift in turnover, it's a critical sign that this is an opportunity to take a deeper look at culture and the needs and wishes of your teams.  

If you want to grow and to be a great leader, and to inspire the most from your employees, ask them,  listen to them and take action. 

Yep, the most important part of communication is listening.  Be decisive, and open and listen. It is so much easier to lean in and learn what the organization needs if you ask them what is most important to them. 

What will keep them there for 5 years, what do the commanders and directors need to know about safety and culture that impacts their effectiveness? Your work as a leader is made so much easier if you ask what’s important and do something about it.  Keep people informed of progress. Involve them in the actions needed to make changes. Even slow and steady is helpful when everyone is involved. Know who to trust. Who speaks truth respectfully and offers solutions.  

Remember humans want to be asked not told and they want to be heard. 

If you want an engaged and loyal team, ask them at least monthly.  Let them know why you are asking and make sure your leaders who are asking, do something with the information they are getting.  Follow up with goals and deadlines.

What barriers were you able to remove by asking and answering a question? What is next in the process and what can’t you change just yet and why?

You hired your employees because they had something to offer.  Give them the opportunity to grow your organization, be progressive and innovative.  Empower them to lead by taking on challenges. They want to help make a difference. 

Here are a couple of questions you can ask your employees that will help you get clear on where to spend your energy.

  1. What is working well?  This helps the conversation to start out positive by looking for what to celebrate and gives you insight as to what is important to them, as well as giving you the insight to know if initiatives are in positive motion for your team.
  2. Who should we recognize for making a difference?  And as a follow-up, how is recognition making a difference? Recognition and celebration invite employees to know what to expect, raise the energy from complaining to complimenting which inspires more of the behavior you are recognizing.
  3. What needs to be improved?  What suggestions do you have for improving each scenario?  Your employees are adults, with imaginative ideas (take a look at their workarounds).  They can solve the situation if you give them time, space and trust to explore options.
  4. What tools and equipment do you need to do the best job you can?  The key here is “need” which is different than want.

After you have been purposely asking your employees what is most important, and they know this consistency, start asking other important questions like:

-What would keep you here for 5 years?

-What would make you leave in the next 2 years?

-What is the thing that you or others complain about when you are working, that if you could say it here, and it got fixed, you’d never have to talk about it again?

-What about your job gives you energy?

-What is the thing that makes you feel most effective?

-Who are you most connected to that we could recognize for making your work effortless?

Please let me know in the comments below how your interaction went with your employees or feel free to connect with me to discuss this further by setting up Free Coaching Discovery Session here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16762125

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