My Why On Integration vs Work Life Balance

I can recall exactly when my perspective of work-life balance deepened.  When I worked with my first coach in graduate school, all the things I had to tend to were spinning, or juggling. Insert a metaphor that represented feeling out of sorts with something to balance or sort out and you'll understand how I felt. 

In one of my sessions with my coach we drew a picture of a tree and connected all of the “tasks” and relationships as branches. All of the pieces were all a part of the tree, not something separate to be coordinated. This made me think. This isn’t actually about balance for me, it is about wholeness.  

Over time, I worked with and coached others who were working on balancing work and life. Later when I was considering working on a Ph.D., I listened to what others were saying about their experience and what they were choosing to sacrifice in order to have their degrees.  I realized that balance wasn't working and actually not what people were starving for, it was integration. They were hungry for conscious choices and an opportunity to have and experience all of the things that were most important to them. To make it all part of one whole experience. 

During my Ph.D. orientation, I announced that I wanted to be an expert in integration, and since then I have made it a constant experiment in my self-leadership. From being a Ph.D. student and full-time hospital administrator with 4 kids to CEO and Chief Experience officer of my own business, it is a constant focus for me to engage in the full integration of my authentic leadership with things that are most important to me.

I’d love to hear how you maintain your quality of life. What are you sure to integrate with your leadership to make your life whole?

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