Organization & Leadership Coaching & Consulting

Coaching to influence organizational direction, culture change and development of leaders

The PULP Experience

PULP offers a personal and tailored approach to creating a culture of engagement by supporting your leaders to effectively influence change. 

Together we build your unique pathway of leadership development content based on your current needs.  You select your program by choosing your leadership content:

  • Engagement vs Burnout 
  • Strengths Finder / Emotional Intelligence / InSights / Enneagram
  • Situational Leadership
  • Executive Presence
  • Leading with Trust
  • Leading without Fear
  • Commitment vs Compliance
  • Manage Difficult Conversations
  • Conflict Styles
  • Shared Decision Making
  • 360 Leadership Assessments

12-16 Month pathway with workshops, group coaching and individual coaching support.

Schedule a Consultation

Create Your Unique Pathway

Organizations have different needs, different capacity and limited availability. Consider your group's style and needs to choose the right delivery model and leadership content.

"Kristen is incredible at developing strong, resilient and effective leaders! She gave me the space to grow into the bold leader that I am. Nobody had ever made that a safe space for me and I flourished in leadership while being authentically me."

Acute Care Director

"My 360 review gave me the opportunity to confirm what I'm doing well and learn areas that I need to improve in. Kristen creates a safe space to to ingest and reflect on the data that she gathers. This was an exercise that I think all workplace leadership should experience."

HR / Operations Director

Fully Develop Your Leaders

Maximize your team's energy, connections and effectiveness!


50% Complete

Two Step

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