Coaching with Kristen

1:1 Personalized Life and Leadership Coaching

Schedule Free Discovery Session

"In my recent experience of starting my own business I have felt overwhelmed, incapable, and just plain stuck many times deeply doubting the value of what I was trying to create. Kristen uses the most surprising approaches- exploring my beautiful forest screensaver with me on a virtual coaching session and using building blocks to play and break through my "blocks" bringing out really powerful, insightful and creative approaches to get "unstuck". - I love the way Kristen uses reflection mirroring back your words and exploring the essence of what you are saying with you in a safe, guided and meaningful way. I have been mentored and coached throughout my career- but I have never experienced such an insightful and creative guide!"

Regional Nursing Professional Development and Practice Excellence

Coaching is for you when you are ready to change something about yourself, what you do and how you lead!


Are you Ready?Let's expand your leadership perspective through the intentional exploration of YOUR leadership approach and effectiveness. 


What is Coaching?

     Coaching is a powerful alliance designed to enhance and promote the lifelong development and full potential of the client through increased awareness, powerful choice, learning and focused action.

       1:1 Coaching meets each YOU where you  are uniquely, without a prescribed direction/agenda.

       You, get to be in charge of your decisions and I consider you expert in YOUR life.

       As the coach I am a partner in the process of achieving your unique goals as an expert in the PROCESS.

Schedule a 30 minute Free Discovery Session

Do you prefer movement and quicker results?

Expedite your leadership growth with a coaching expedition!

In your personalized intensive, we'll use coaching and  the wilderness and way finding as a backdrop for discovering and designing your next steps as a leader.

Leave the expedition with insight, clarity, self-trust and a bold sense of who you are as a leader. 

Get Months of Leadership Coaching in ONE day!


A 1:1 Coaching Expedition can help you get insight faster. A physical experience combined with the metaphors for what you are experiencing can help you get clarity quickly.  The movement and insight will inspire you to take action and get results. AND since your whole body is involved, you'll remember the emotion and the clarity for ongoing improvement.


Individual Coaching Expeditions

Snowshoeing / Hiking/ Paddle boarding / Biking

1/2 Day Coaching Intensive

Package Includes:

4 hour Coaching Experience

3 Virtual Coaching sessions 

8 Week Online DIY Coaching Program

Transportation to site, supplies, activities 

Equivalent to 10 Hours of Leadership Coaching 



Full Day Coaching Intensive

Package Includes:

8 hours of Expedition Based Coaching

3 Virtual Coaching sessions

8 Week Online DIY  Coaching Program

Transportation to site, supplies, activities 

Equivalent to 14 Hours of  Leadership Coaching



90 Minute Coaching Intensive

Package includes:

90 Minutes of Expedition Based Coaching 

2 Virtual Coaching Sessions

8 Week Online DIY Coaching Program

Supplies and Activities

Equivalent to 4 Hours of Leadership Coaching



"This spring I went with Kristen for one on one in a PULP coaching session. I was sorting out my professional life and needed guidance and help viewing my goals and feelings more objectively. Further, I needed to understand how best to approach the goals once I got them sorted out... I started changes to my wiring that continue to this day to improve my interactions with others. My goals for the short term are now clearly defined, and long term goals are the fuzzy general direction I like my long term goals to be... I was able to shed some preconceived ideas I had long held about myself thus changing my confidence and also influencing my understanding and appreciation of others and their current emotional state. I cannot recommend her enough, thank you Kristen. "

Judd Dawson. DO, MBA
Medical Director

Need to discuss which intensive is best for you?


50% Complete

Two Step

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