New Clients

What you can expect when you work with PULP


Congratulations for taking the time to explore coaching. The following information will define ingredients for a successful coaching relationship. Please don’t hesitate to call me for a further description of how coaching differs from Therapy and from Consulting. I look forward to partnering with you!

Coaching is a powerful alliance designed to enhance and promote the lifelong development and full potential of the client through increased awareness, learning and focused action.

As your coach you can expect me to:

  • Commit to an open, honest, collaborative relationship
  • Respect the confidentiality agreement we make
  • Help you gain clarity about what you value and what your vision is for work and for life
  • Challenge you to create and stretch yourself
  • Encourage you to take action, initiate resolving problems and learn skills to accomplish your goals
  • Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights
  • Give you input, straight feedback, or operate as a sounding board
  • Make direct requests for you to accomplish fieldwork assignments between sessions
  • Be a resource or share resources
  • Celebrate your wins and successes with you

As the person being coached, I expect you to:

  • Be committed to your own goals and vision
  • Experiment with new approaches and practice new behaviors
  • Come to the coaching session prepared with what you want to discuss
  • Lead the sessions by focusing on what is important to you
  • Give me truthful feedback on how the coaching is valuable and if it is staying focused on what you need
  • Be open to hearing my feedback and let me know how it fits
  • Accept, modify, or decline a direct request I may make of you
  • Let me know what you’ve accomplished, discuss challenges, and end each session with future action plans
  • Take ownership for your progress and success
  • Practice “extreme self-care”

You Can Do Hard Things

And you DON'T have to do them alone!


50% Complete

Two Step

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